In response to feedback from our Parent/Carer survey and our pupil voice discussion groups, this September we have rejuvenated and relaunched our Breakfast Club provision. We will be running this new provision for a half term trial to ensure it is financially sustainable and to see if there is an increase in use.
Key Details
- We will be open from 7.30am!
- We have expanded our breakfast menu choices
- We have introduced a self-service breakfast buffet system to help to develop children’s confidence and independence
- We have organised a timetable of activities for each day to ensure there are lots of interesting, varied and exciting things to do
- We have organised a specialist sports coach to deliver sports club on a Tuesday morning
- Mrs Cross will be delivering a ‘surprise’ club each Thursday morning
- We have introduced ‘Competition Day’ on a Wednesday where children can enter or complete a challenge and the winner is awarded a prize in our Celebration Assembly on Friday (Check out the list of winners in our Celebrating Success section!)

Prices & Funding
Despite increasing costs to the school, we have taken the decision NOT to increase prices at this stage (September 2022) and therefore the price remains £3.00 per child per day. This decision was not taken lightly as our ‘wrap around care provision’ (Breakfast Club and After School Club) made an overall loss of £120 in the last academic year.
However, we do not seek to make a profit on our wrap around care provision, merely to cover our costs and break even. We hope that our rejuvenated provision will increase use and will therefore ensure we can cover costs.
We feel it is important to keep our prices at £3.00 per child per day and not pass on rising costs of food to parents & carers at this financially challenging time so that we can do all we can to support our families.
Over the coming months we will be exploring grant opportunities to support our provision but in the past, we have not met the social deprivation criteria set by some of the larger companies such as Greggs and Kellogs etc.
The Academy Council and Senior Leadership Team have therefore decided to run this rejuvenated model for a half term trial in order to ensure that it is sustainable before making a permanent change.
Special Offer!
- If you book for one full week at Breakfast Club you will only pay for FOUR days therefore getting FIVE childcare sessions for £12 per week rather than £15 per week.
- If this trial is successful we will be offering a range of other special offers throughout the year.
Want to Learn More?
Why not come along to our Welcome Back Fair on Monday 12th September at 3.30pm in the school hall to find out more about our wrap around care provision.
Half Term Trial – Autumn Term 1
Opening: 7.30am – 8.50am
DAY | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
ACTIVITIES | Board Games Mindfulness Colouring Quiet Reading | Sports Club Cartoons Quiet Reading | Lego Competition Day Kurling | Mrs Cross’ Club of surprises! Quiet Reading | Computing Club with iPads Cartoons Creative Play |
MENU | Cereal Fruit Bowl Beans on Toast Fruit Juice Milk | Cereal Fruit Bowl Bagels/Croissants Fruit Juice Milk | Cereal Fruit Bowl Cheese on Toast Fruit Juice Milk | Cereal Fruit Bowl Beans on Toast Fruit Juice Milk | Cereal Fruit Bowl Toast Fruit Juice Milk |
8.50am Children to be sent to own Learning Zone
Children’s Mental Health Week in Breakfast Club
On Monday the children in Breakfast Club created a ‘worry rainbow’ by putting their worries into a jar and then blew them into bubbles so that they would blow away in the wind. Some of the children also decided to pop their worries to make them go away.
On Tuesday the children took part in yoga and meditation, learning new and different techniques to calm down and relax.
Wednesday they got creative and made a self-portrait which they felt reflected who they were as an individual.
Chill out music was played on Thursday so that the children could learn the value of listening to music to help them to relax.
On Dress to Express day, the children made a large hat out of lego and other building materials to show their flair and creativity.
“It was great blowing our worries away.” Arran.

Mrs Porter on the Ukulele and Josh playing brass!

Preparing for Christmas in Breakfast Club
Over the last week the children in Breakfast Club have been taking part in some really great Christmas activities. They were given the task of decorating the big Christmas tree in the school hall and did an amazing job. Everyone will see it when they come into school for the Christmas performances.
They have also taken part in some Christmas crafts – making cards, wreaths and decorations.
One of their favourite activities was making melting snowmen! They got very creative using edible eyes and progressing from just snowmen to reindeers too!
“The best bit is eating them.” said the children.

Making a Christmas Wreath
This week the children have had great fun making a Christmas Wreath with Mrs Porter in Breakfast Club. They enjoyed designing and making the wreath and also learning about the symbolism.
The wreath is situated outside our main entrance.

Mrs ‘Cross the Swamp’ Challenge!
This week the children in Breakfast Club were challenged to ‘cross the swamp’ taking the whole team and the mats with them.
The children worked really well as a team, demonstrating problem solving skills and resilience. They developed a plan for how to cross the swamp and then adapted and developed their plans in subsequent trials.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and it was great to see our school vision of KFC in action.
The teams both worked out that they had to look after their smallest and youngest members, they showed great fellowship and confidence. A fantastic challenge!

Decorate a Face Competition
In Breakfast Club this week (28th September 2022) we had a competition. Children were asked to decorate a piece of toast by creating a face using other ingredients.
Our winner was Emilia! What a lovely happy face.

Showing Kindness
Rather than play our usual ‘Mrs Cross’ Surprise Game’ on Thursday 22nd September, the children in Breakfast Club wanted to help to prepare for the MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning next Friday (30th September). They all helped to make bunting to decorate the hall and even offered to do more at home – what lovely kind children we have in school!

New format for Breakfast Club – A huge success
Last week saw the introduction of our new revamped Breakfast Club. We now have a self-service system which the children are loving.
“It is much better serving ourselves because you learn to be more independent.” (Ellie – Diamond)
The earlier opening time is proving popular with an average of 7 children arriving before 8am.
“Opening at 7.30am gives me much more time on a morning and ensures I am not late for work – it is just so much less stressful – thank you!” (Parent feedback)
Our new menu is going down well – particularly the beans on toast! Children are also enjoying the planned activities and clubs. Kurling, Boules and Computing club were very popular last week.
It has been a great start to the new school year and we are really hopeful that the half term trial will be successful.

Breakfast Club Trial Extended
This first half term we have carried out a trial which involved opening Breakfast Club at 7.30am instead of 8am. The feedback from parents has been overwhelmingly positive.
At the same time, we have revamped the daily activities and introduced a buffet style menu. Our children love serving themselves and developing those independent skills.
The new range of activities has been well received and our numbers attending have increased significantly since last Summer term.
However, the numbers of children attending needs to hit 55 per week in order to cover staffing costs alone. We are currently hovering around this number but some weeks we do not hit that target.
As a result, the decision has been taken to extend the trial up to the end of December 2022.

Supporting STEM Week
This week (commencing 6th March 2023), our children in Breakfast Club have been supporting our whole school annual STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) week.
Over the next few weeks they will be measuring how well their daffodil bulbs grow in different circumstances. They have made predictions and are measuring them and recording their findings each week.
It was lovely to hear the children using the correct scientific vocabulary and making sensible predictions based on their prior learning.

Breakfast Club Fun
From constructing train tracks to play doh…We love Breakfast Club!


Our Breakfast Club is open from 8am each morning and there is no need to book – just turn up at the main entrance. The price for Breakfast Club is £3.00 per session per child and is payable via Parent Pay. Numbers of children attending can range from 6 one day to over 30 on other days. We are delighted to be able to offer parents this flexible service as we appreciate that based in our rural community can mean early starts and lengthy journeys to work for parents and carers.
Children are offered a wide and varied range of games and activities to take part in once they have finished their breakfast which can include toast, cereal, fruit and juice. We also have themed events where our amazing Breakfast Club Supervisors (Mrs. Porter and Miss Witten) always go the extra mile to create a rich and engaging range of activities for our children to enjoy.
Here are some of the things we have been doing…
Celebrating being British

On Thursday 26th May 2022, we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee across school. The day started off in Breakfast Club where everyone wore red, white and blue. There were activities for all ages involving various traditional British games and crafts.
Mrs P (our Breakfast Club Supervisor) really got into the spirit of the celebration and we all had ‘Hat Envy’.
Feedback from children:
“We’ve had a great time learning about the Queen and her life.”
“I liked drawing a portrait of the Queen.”
Please note that, as part of our risk assessment, the children will remain in their bubbles within the hall. Spaces are still available so there is no need to book in advance.
Breakfast Club – Pupil Voice 2019
Breakfast Club Activities 2019-2020
World Book Day in Breakfast Club- On Friday 6th March 2020 our children in Breakfast Club had a real treat. Not only did they dress up as their favourite character from a book, they shared their favourite stories over breakfast. The children brought in their favourite books and read stories to each other. It was lovely to see younger and older children reading together and reading for pleasure.

Reflecting on our week- At the end of the week, the children in Breakfast Club reflect on what they have learnt in school during the week. They discuss lessons, events, visitors and outings and reflect on what they have enjoyed and what has happened this week. It is a lovely session which the children enjoy and the Breakfast Club supervisors love hearing all about the children’s week.

Christmas Art

Rudolph Cards- Our children were really excited when they did the Rudolph Run to raise money for the Butterwick Hospice so our creative team of Breakfast Club Supervisors decided to make Rudolph Cards in Breakfast Club this week.

Table Decorations- Our Breakfast Club children got very creative this week making table decorations for Christmas. They were very proud of their creations!