Teaching Team
Mr. J. Clarke (Lead),Mrs. C. Heslop-Stead
Planning 2023-2024
To find out more about the impact of our learning please visit Our Curriculum section.
Community Project
Superpowers in Action!
Pupils grow, learn and thrive within the positive, nurturing learning environment at Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School. Celebrating success and effort is an important part of creating a positive and reflective school community and links to our core Christian values (KFC).
In the Sapphire Learning Zone, award certificates are given weekly and include: The Ambassador Award (awarded to the pupil that stands out for demonstrating a skill linked to the Superpower), the Dojo Award (awarded to the pupil that has made the most consistent effort during the week) and the Extra Special Award (awarded to the pupil that has stood out for the right reasons such as showing kindness, academic effort and persistence). In addition, every pupil across the Learning Zones is also eligible for whole school awards. Please visit our Celebrating Success section to find out more and to see the weekly winners of each award.
View the Archived Sapphire Learning Zone information.