On Saturday 19th November 2022, our amazing local farming families donated lambs at the last stock sale of the season at Chapel Mart.
The atmosphere was amazing and it was lovely to see so many of our children there taking part in the sale to support their own school.
Over £3,100 was raised through the sale of lambs; cash in collection buckets; handing back of luck money; donation made by the Mart; forgoing of commission by the Mart and really kind donations from many people.
I wasn’t the only one who was overwhelmed by the support our school received.
On Monday 21st November 2022, we received an anonymous donation of £3,000 which was: “inspired by the generosity of our farming community.” Whoever you are please know how much this fantastic donation is appreciated!
In addition to the phenomenal amount of money raised, there were lots of other positive outcomes: there was a great atmosphere at the mart itself; we had non-farming families attend which was a great experience for them; the children learnt how our community pulls together in times of need and ultimately, it was a real celebration of our farming heritage in Weardale.
Myself and the team cannot begin to express our gratitude – this money (over £6,100) will make a huge difference to every child in every class. Our top priority is currently to get 15 new iPads for the school and this just wouldn’t be possible without this amazing fundraising event. Thank you.
Mrs D Cross
Head Teacher