Week 1 (Beginning 04.01.23)
Fellowship: Introduction
INTENT (04.01.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (06.01.23) |
What does Fellowship mean? | Mrs Cross introduced our new focus for the school vision (KFC) which is Fellowship. We discussed the difference between Friendship and Fellowship and explored how Fellowship is so much more than just friendship. It is about being a good fellow human being and showing fellowship to our friends, family, local community and wider community including being a good neighbour and living well within the environment. | When we discussed the associated values we will be learning about each week over the spring term, the children were unable to talk confidently about them so we will have to ensure that deliver weekly sessions in collective worship to ensure they understand the terminology and definitions. |
Week 2 (Beginning 09.01.23)
Fellowship: Family Orientated
Week 3 (Beginning 16.01.23)
Fellowship: Being Respectful
INTENT (16.01.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (20.01.23) |
Why is it important to show respect? | This week we have talked in collective worship about respect and what that word means. Children identified that respect can be shown to people, possessions, animals and the environment. The Open the Book Team delivered a performance on the Ten Commandments (Exodus 3-4). KS2 children also learnt the story about Jesus clearing the temple of moneylenders who were being disrespectful. In Opal and Amethyst the children learnt how to show respect towards each other and respecting each others feelings. They role played making telephone calls to ‘check in’ on how people were feeling. In our celebration collective worship our children were able to identify and talk openly about why it is important to show respect and how they have done that throughout the week. | Children could talk confidently about respect meaning that you should treat people like you would want to be treated. Children could identify how people can become more respectful: “The moneychangers became more respectful of the temple.” “I can show respect to people by valuing their opinion even when it is different to mine.” The children gave some amazing examples of how they have shown respect this week: “I respected my dog because he didn’t want to play with me so I left him alone.” “I show respect to the adults and children in our school.” During the Opal and Amethyst role play session one child was asked how she felt and she replied: “I feel loved because I am in school.” |
Week 4 (Beginning 23.01.23)
Fellowship: Courageous Advocate
INTENT (23.01.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (27.01.23) |
What does it mean to be a courageous advocate? | This week we have talked in collective worship about Courageous advocacy and how it takes a huge amount of courage to stand up against something you know is wrong but other people are doing. KS2 explored Holocaust Memorial Day in their collective worship and looked at the amazing acts of bravery carried out by survivors. This is led onto a discussion about World War 2 and at lunchtime the children talked about bravery in this context. The Open the Book Team delivered a fantastic performance of David & Goliath from 1Samuel 17. In celebration collective worship on Friday, the children shared how they had demonstrated courageous advocacy this week. In EYFS & KS1 collective worship they have looked at the story of Jack & The Beanstalk and talked about what actions Jack took which show courage and bravery. | The children in KS2 had a lovely discussion about meeting Jake and Finn’s Grandma from the Netherlands via zoom earlier in the year when she shared her experiences of WW2. Children were inspired by the KS2 collective worship to choose books from the library about WW2 for example Ava selected The Diary of Anne Frank. The children were able to make the link between Goliath representing a huge problem and David feeling very small in comparison. They talked about how they could tackle huge challenges using their courage. Even our very youngest children were able to talk confidently about Jack’s brave actions in the story and use that as a metaphor for how they can act bravely. |
Week 5 (Beginning 30.01.23)
Fellowship: Trustworthy
INTENT (30.01.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (03.02.23) |
How can we show we are trustworthy? | On Monday we talked about the meaning of being trustworthy and how we automatically trust people we don’t know such as other car drivers. We talked about how very young children are very trusting until they learn not to be. We discussed how we learn not to trust when someone breaks our trust in them. On Tuesday KS2 learnt about Candlemas as told in Luke 2: 22-40. Candlemas celebrates the presentation of Jesus at the temple 40 days after his birth. In KS1 the children watched the Bluey episode ‘Promises’ and talked about trust in the context of keeping promises. On Friday the children gave some excellent examples of how they had been trusting of others or how they had been trustworthy this week. We discussed the fact that people will decide if we are trustworthy by what we say and how we act. | Children were able to give examples of people we trust without knowing them such as the police, doctors, fire fighters etc. They were able to give examples of how their trust has been broken by someone who they now no longer trust. The children in KS2 did not know a lot about Candlemas but enjoyed learning something new and asked lots of probing questions about the meaning. The children all agreed that they wanted to be considered trustworthy by other people. They gave examples of how they have trusted others: “We trust all of our teachers to look after us and keep us safe.” “I played a blindfold game with my friend and they had to trust me.” “We trust our parents to feed us every night.” “I trust my friend when I play outside with him.” |
Week 6 (Beginning 06.02.23)
Fellowship: Dependable & Loyal
INTENT (06.02.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (10.02.23) |
What does it mean to be dependable & loyal? | Monday’s assembly was delivered by our Happiness Heroes and introduced Children’s Mental Health Week. They introduced the theme of Let’s Connect and talked about all of the lovely activities going on in school this week. We talked about how important it was to be dependable and loyal if someone needed your support and how important it is to our mental health to have friends who are dependable and loyal to us too. On Tuesday the School Council launched our Safer Internet Day. The theme this year is ‘Want to Talk About It?’ and they went through all of the ways you can connect to someone to talk about something you may have seen online. ![]() | The Happiness Heroes delivered a fantastic assembly to the whole school showing real confidence. The children across school were talking about mental health at playtime and lunchtime and it was lovely to hear them talk about how they could support each other. Children showed excellent prior learning about how to keep themselves safe whilst online and enjoyed talking about their activities online. |
Week 7 (Beginning 13.02.23)
Fellowship: Community Minded
INTENT (13.02.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (17.02.23) |
How can we be community minded? | On Monday, Mr Storey delivered collective worship and introduced the value of being community minded. This was linked to LGBT History Week and discussion took place about the LGBT community. During the week we also discussed our community in Stanhope and compared it to other communities locally. On Wednesday our Open The Book team gave a stunning performance about Pentecost based on Acts 2. The children learnt about the origins of the church in the context of community. This week we also introduced the children to the plans for World Book Day and talked about the activities we have planned. In Friday’s collective worship we reflected on how we can be more community minded and considered some biblical quotes about fellowship from John 1 and Romans. | Children were very much aware that communities can be small or large. They talked confidently about the LGBT community from what they have learnt in their Character Development lessons. Our KS2 children were extremely articulate in talking about an individual’s right to be themselves and to express themselves openly. Children were fascinated to learn about the history of the church and how it became established. Children are very excited about World Book Day! The children gave some lovely examples of how they have been community minded: “I helped my mum to tidy up.” “I got a torch to help my mum when she went outside in the dark to save the trampoline from the wind.” “ We’ve written letters to Eddie Howe to support Newcastle United.” “We can do litter picks to help look after our community.” |
Week 1 (Beginning 27.02.23)
Fellowship: Serving Others
INTENT (27.02.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (03.03.23) |
What does it mean to serve other people? | On Monday the children learnt about Lent and how different religions use fasting to show empathy and understanding for those who have less than themselves. Throughout the week, our Key Stage Collective Worship sessions focussed on encouraging the children to explore how they could serve other people. On Wednesday our Open The Book Team performed Jesus Washing the Disciples feet based on John13: 1-17 The children were challenged to do something this week to serve someone else and to share this on Friday. In our celebration collective worship on Friday we had a fantastic time as it was World Book Day too! ![]() | The children could articulate really well how ‘serving others’ means to help other people. They were able to give lovely examples of how they’d helped each other this week: “I helped my friend when she was stuck.” “We all helped to tidy the library up.” “A group of us helped the teachers to put up the new table and chairs in the library.” “I helped my little sister to choose her costume for today.” |
Week 2 (Beginning 06.03.23)
Fellowship: Being Compassionate
INTENT (06.03.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (10.03.23) |
How can we show compassion? | On Monday we talked about our new value for this week – compassion and how this is different from empathy. We read The Good Samaritan from Luke Ch10. We discussed how everyone, even someone we don’t expect, can show compassion. On Wednesday we did some role play activities whereby some children were in role as characters and had to explain why they were having such a bad day. The others had to think of ways to show compassion. During Key Stage collective worship children have considered how to show compassion to each other and their families. Celebration collective worship was cancelled due to weather. | Our children really demonstrated that they show compassion without even realising it! They are so thoughtful and caring and always try to help. They were able to give lots of excellent examples of how they help and support other people. This demonstrates that our children live and breathe our school vision without it being a forced or even conscious action. |
Week 3 (Beginning 13.03.23)
Fellowship: Being Accepting
INTENT (13.03.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (17.03.23) |
Why is it important to be accepting of others? | On Monday in Collective Worship we discussed our new value: acceptance. We looked at different people that have not been accepted in the past such as Anne Frank and Marcus Rashford. The pupils were asked to reflect on those examples and then think about ways that they could show acceptance in their lives. On Tuesday, in KS1, the children were shown that families come in all shapes and sizes. Mr Storey asked the children what each family had in common and the reply was “They all show love to each other.” Emerald LZ attended a tennis festival this week and they were living the vision of our school by showing kindness, fellowship and confidence to one another and the other participants. Celebration collective worship was cancelled this week due to our Stanhope’s Got Talent Show. | Every day, our children live and breathe our school vision. During the Stanhope’s Got Talent Show every act was eagerly applauded and celebrated. The children performing at the talent show felt accepted and confident to bring their unique talents to the stage. The children can articulate and demonstrate why it’s important to show acceptance to each other. |
Week 4 (Beginning 20.03.23)
Fellowship: Being Bold
INTENT (20.03.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (24.03.23) |
What bold decisions might we make in our lives? | On Monday in Collective Worship we considered what it means to be bold. We discussed bold letters, colours and designs and then identified what it means to be bold as a person. We learnt about Andrew the Fisherman who left his family and life to follow Jesus and became the Patron Saint of Scotland (Matthew 4:18-22). On Wednesday our Open The Book Team delivered an amazing performance of A Brave & Mighty Man about the Army of Gideon (Judges 6-7). On Thursday we had our Stanhope Bake Off competition where the cakes were tested and assessed by Lynn and Zoe from Chartwells. On Friday we had a huge celebration giving out our normal school awards and certificates along with the wrist bands and posters for the Team GB Athlete fundraiser event; the winners of the World Book Day Fancy Dress event and the trophies for our Stanhope’s Got Talent winners. ![]() | Children demonstrated a good understanding that being bold meant being brave and courageous and standing out from the crowd and doing things differently. They gave excellent examples such as being afraid to swim but doing it anyway or really wanting to pick up a tarantula and eventually being bold enough to do it. During the Open the Book performance the whole school had parts to play and the whole thing was very interactive and inclusive. During the week children could be heard talking to each other and staff about being bold. “I had to be bold when I played violin for the first time in front of everyone in church.” Dexter The children had a joyous celebration assembly Congratulations to the Diamond Learning Zone who won the Stanhope Bake Off this year! |
Week 5 (Beginning 27.03.23)
Fellowship: Being Forgiving
INTENT (27.03.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (31.03.23) |
Why is it important to forgive others and ourselves? | On Monday we talked about how it is important to forgive people and ourselves. We talked about drawing a line under an event and moving on and how not forgiving someone else can make us feel worse. We have had Durham Fire Service in school this week to deliver a KS2 assembly about Arson and Fire Safety. The little ones then got to visit the fire engine which they loved! Our Open the Book Team delivered a fantastic performance of A Woman Anoints Jesus’ feet based on Luke 7: 36-49. We had a lovely Easter Service in St. Thomas’ Church on Thursday which was really well attended by parents & carers. The service included music by our violinists along with poems, a reading and prayers. On Friday we had an eggsellent celebration assembly where the entries for the Easter Eggs and Bonnet competition were judged. We gave our lots of awards and certificates. | The team were really impressed this week by how well the children responded to the concept of forgiving people and how not doing so can have a negative effect on our own emotions. The performance by Open The Book really helped to consolidate the message of forgiveness. Friday’s collective worship and celebration assembly were joyous with lots of awards and certificates given out. The children were really supportive of each other and there was a real sense of celebration. |