Week 2 (Beginning 08.01.24)
Fellowship: Family Orientated
How can we show fellowship within families? | On Monday Mrs Green introduced the value of Family Orientated was introduced. Children were asked to come to the front and mime some actions to show some things that family members may do for us. Children showed cooking, laundry, cleaning etc. They all agreed they were actions that family members do to keep us happy and safe. Some children shared how they help their family members by taking on some of the jobs themselves. We shared a story about a family who had very little around Christmas time. The little boy in the family drew a picture of what he would like for Christmas and drew us family. Highlighting that we don’t need much in life as long as we have our families. We discussed that children and families are a gift from God and we took some time to reflect on how important our families are for us. We ended by asking children to think of ways they could be family orientated this week. On Wednesday, the Open The Book Team delivered their first performance of the new year – The Secret Baby from Exodus 1-2. On Thursday in Key Stage Collective Worship, we talked about the Hawaiian word ‘Ohana’. ‘Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.’ We watched a short video from Lilo and Stitch when stitch described the meaning oh Ohana. We then linked this to our own families and wider families such as our school family, friends or others we have intentionally chosen to be our family. On Friday we reflected on how we had been family orientated this week with children giving great examples. We celebrated success with certificates and awards presented. | Children understood the importance of families and all that they do for us. They discussed ways our family members show being family orientated and how we can be family orientated too. Children and staff were involved in delivering this collective worship. Children spoke about families and how different families are different. Children wrote on post it notes about what families mean to them. One child wrote ‘Family is like a puzzle, everyone is a piece of the picture.’ “I helped my mam look after my baby sister” Frankie “I looked after my friend when she was upset.” Isla |
Week 3 (Beginning 15.01.24)
Fellowship: Being Respectful
Why is it important to be respectful? | Mr Storey launched this week’s theme of being respectful. We started the session by recapping the bible story of the Good Samaritan. The children were then asked to identify ways the story showed respect. Following that the children were shown a range of pictures of characters who show respect to their communities. The children were shown a number of famous people before they saw images of people from our community. We discussed how the people in our community show respect for others through: • Volunteering • Food • Help Wednesday’s collective worship was cancelled due to the Cinderella Panto. On Thursday we had a whole school assembly on Anxiety. Michelle from Investing In Children came into school and talked to us about what makes us anxious, how we feel when we are anxious and what we can do to alleviate those feelings. She read Ruby’s Worry and the children completed a quiz based on the story. On Friday we reflected on how we have shown respect this week. We celebrated success with awards and certificates being issued and birthdays celebrated. We talked about the 10 commandments and explored how and why God gave the 10 rules to his people to live by. We then talked about 10 rules we need to follow when Aela (our therapy dog in training) is in school. | The children made great connections between famous people and also those people who help us locally. The children had a good understanding of respect and were challenged to reflect on times when they have shown this value. Pupil Voice from EYFS and KS1: “We tidy up our school and show respect.” Georgie “We have to put our coats on the peg because that’s a rule. “ Reggie “When I fell over on the ice a man stopped and asked if I was alright and I thanked him.” Euan “We can show respect by having good manners” Noah The children asked lots of questions about Aela and her training and understood the rules and why we have them really well. |
Week 4 (Beginning 22.01.24)
Fellowship: Courageous Advocacy
What does it mean to be a courageous advocate? | Mrs Cross introduced the new weekly theme of being a Courageous Advocate. We talked about what it means to have courage and what it means to stand up for someone or something with no voice of their own. The children were tasked to think of a ‘cause’ that we as a school could take action to support and to let their teachers know any ideas. Courageous Advocacy is Emerald’s Superpower this year. We discussed that no matter how small we are we can make a difference in the world. On Wednesday our Open The Book Team performed The Burning Bush based on Exodus 3-4. We talked about how Moses lived our school vision of KFC because he was a kind an unassuming man, he did an amazing thing by freeing the Israelites from slavery and was confident because he didn’t believe he could do it but with God’s help he achieved amazing things for his people. On Thursday Mr Storey carried out a pupil voice session with the children to find out what after school clubs they would like us to run. On Friday we celebrated our successes presenting certificates and awards to this week’s Superstars and Dojo winners. We gave out a range of extra special awards for art, sport and music too and celebrated this week’s birthdays. ![]() | Children listened carefully and thoughtfully. They were able to explain what the words Courageous Advocate meant and talked about how they feel when they see something such as homelessness. Children came up with lots of great ideas for after school clubs which the SLT will now consider whether we can deliver them or not. Children had been challenged to think of a ‘cause’ which we could support through social action as a school and they gave lots of ideas on Friday including recycling, climate change and homelessness. |
Week 5 (Beginning 29.01.24)
Fellowship: Trustworthy
Why can be hard to trust others? | Mrs Cross introduced this week’s theme of being Trustworthy. We talked about why we find it hard to trust other people, how trust can be built and how to be a more trustworthy person. We considered trustworthiness in light of keeping ourselves safe in the real world and online. On Wednesday we read the story of David & Goliath based on 1 Samuel ch 8-17. We talked about the trust various characters in the story had to put in others and themselves. On Thursday in Key Stage Collective Worship, Miss HP talked about children’s mental health week and the theme ‘Time To Talk’. The children split off into groups of 4 or less children and discussed the questions: ‘What makes you happy?; ‘What makes you sad?’ and ‘Who do you trust?’ On Friday we use collective worship time to carry out Time To Talk activities. Each Learning Zone offered a different activity which was designed for children to have time to talk to each other or an adult in school. This included: bracelet making, mindfulness colouring, lego and other activities to promote talking to each other. Children could choose where in the school they wanted to go and which activity to engage in. | The children talked confidently about being reliable, honest and loyal in order for others to trust them. The children were able to identify who trusted other characters and that David had to trust himself and his own abilities as well as trusting that God would protect him. The children spoke with confidence in the groups they chose then shared their answers with the rest of the Key Stage. The children really enjoyed choosing different activities to engage in and it was great to see children from different Learning Zones coming together to have fun and talk to each other. On the yard at playtime staff witnessed children playing together who had been in Time To Talk groups who wouldn’t normally play with younger or older children which was lovely. |
Week 6 (Beginning 5.2.24)
Fellowship: Dependable & Loyal
How can we be dependable and loyal? | On Monday Mr Storey introduced the theme of dependable and loyal. To begin the collective worship session Mr Storey read the Easter Story up to the point in which Judas betrayed Jesus. The children were asked to reflect on Judas’ actions and identify how that linked to our theme. Following this, the children were asked how we become dependable and loyal? Children identified how we learn from our mistakes, which led our worship onto thinking about a time we have made a mistake and how we learnt from it. We finished with the lord’s prayer and asked the children to think about learning from experiences. To celebrate Chinese New Year, the children in KS2 learnt about the year of the dragon. We then looked at the Chinese Zodiac to find out what animal represented each year. Working as a class, children were tasked to create a paper chain dragon. The winner was Emerald! On Friday we celebrated success by presenting awards and certificates to our Superstars and our Extra Special certificates too. We celebrated the successful completion of the Sports Captain’s Training and also celebrated birthdays. We reflected on our theme this week of being dependable and loyal. | “Judas was not loyal, he lied to his best friend.” Sophie “Judas was the opposite of our theme.” Archie “Once I wasn’t kind to my friend and we were both upset. I make sure I am kind all the time now.” “One time I lost a dojo for not concentrating. I was sad but know I need to concentrate all the time now.” The children were able to use their knowledge of Chinese New Year to ask some great questions! They then used their team-building skills to work together and produce a fantastic dragon. Children were able to give good examples of how they have been dependable and loyal: “I help Zoe every lunch time” Zach. “I help my dad every weekend” “I am always there for my best friend” |
Week 7 (Beginning 12.2.24)
Fellowship: Community Minded
What do we do as a school to be community minded? | Mrs Cross introduced this week’s value of being community minded. We discussed what this means and what we do as a school to be community minded. We read the story of the Loaves and Fishes from John 6. We discussed how sharing food with people in our community who don’t have enough is an example of being community minded and that as a school we support the Weardale Food Bank. On Wednesday we talked about the importance of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday to Christians. We talked about how Christians still go to church on Ash Wednesday to be ‘ashed’ and the children reflected on something they would want to be forgiven for or a mistake they had made. We talked about Lent and what we were giving up in preparation for Easter. On Friday we celebrated success with awards of certificates and celebrating birthdays. | Children talked about how community minded the school is and gave examples of raising money for Stanhope Silver Band, supporting Weardale Food Bank and Feeding Families. We also talked about how our community supports us and talked about fundraising for the school and the annual lamb sale. |
Spring Term 2
Week 1 (Beginning 26.2.24)
Fellowship: Serving Others
What does it mean to Serve Others? | Mrs Green introduced the theme as asked the children what they thought it meant to serve others. Children responded with a range of ways including helping your family at home. A link was made with the type of jobs some might have that serve others such as Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses etc. A natural link was made from the children that some people have jobs that serve animals such as vets. This led nicely into looking at the WWF and the work they do to protect endangered animals. We looked at a range of endangered animals and discussed the reasons they may be endangered. This linked with the story of Noah’s Ark. The children were able to link this story to see how Noah was serving God by building the Ark and how he was serving the animals by protecting them to make sure they survived. We finished by thinking of small things we could do to serve others and with the school prayer. On Thursday, we discussed our upcoming Easter service with the children and why we call it a ‘service’. We spoke about how Church services bring communities together and give us an opportunity to see our neighbours. We then sang the four songs chosen for the service, Spring chicken, lord of the dance, my lighthouse and Risen! We finished with the school prayer. On Friday we celebrated success with awards and certificates for Superstar of the Week and Extra Special Awards. We celebrated birthdays and our Head Teacher Certificate and KFC award for an adult in school. | Children were able to link serving others to a range of different professions. They clearly saw the link between the work charities like the WWF do and the story of Noah’s Ark. Children linked the theme of serving others to our Easter service. Children were able to give excellent examples of how they have served other people throughout the week. |
Week 2 (Beginning 4.3.24)
Assemblies this week focussed on introducing our new writing project for children to write a story about our school vision of Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence. |
Week 3 (Beginning 11.03.24)
Fellowship: Accepting
Why is it important to be accepting of others? | Mrs Cross introduced the theme of being accepting of others and of differences. We are all uniquely different and thank goodness for that! We looked at differences by watching a video called Love has no Lables which showed different people in x-ray form demonstrating that we are all the same on the inside. We all feel pain, joy, hope, fear etc and that we need to be more accepting and understanding of that fact. On Wednesday the Open The Book team delivered The Walls Fall Down based on Joshua 6. The children joined in with an amazing performance! On Thursday we held a rehearsal for our Easter Service songs and the children thoroughly enjoyed singing the songs. On Friday we celebrated success with certificates and awards and sang Happy Birthday! We held our annual Stanhope Bake Off competition which was judged by Dannielle (Cook from Chartwell’s) and our very own Zoe! | We were all very impressed with how well our children understood the concept of being Accepting given their limited exposure in our local context to a wide range of differences. The children talked confidently about everyone being the same on the inside and really enjoyed the Love Has No Labels film. This sparked lovely conversations at lunchtime and playtimes which were overheard by the team. Stanhope Bake Off was won this year by Diamond! |