Subject Ambassador: Miss K. Hepple
Link Academy Councillor: Mr. S. Burton
Statement of Intent:
Our Vision:
A place where our children, adults and community can grow and thrive rooted in Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence.
At Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School, we understand that maths is an important part of everyday life and we strive to equip all of our children to become confident and resilient mathematicians. We do this by teaching the Mastery approach which seeks to provide children with a range of strategies to apply in context. The children are taught Fluency, Reasoning and Problem-Solving skills based on the 5 Big Ideas. We support the children to become reflective thinkers and to use a range of skills to complete challenging problems. All children are encouraged to use concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to portray their understanding. By providing the children with a rich, broad and exciting curriculum our children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude to the subject, which will provide the children with key life skills and inspire some to pursue STEM subject careers in their future.
Nursery (Opal Learning Zone)
Sorting – As the season tips in Autumn the children have been developing their sorting skills. Today in the continuous provision the children had to sort items that were rough and smooth by using touch. The children excelled at this and were able to explain why the item had those features.
Reception – with Mr. Storey (lead), Mrs. Heslop-Stead
Rekenreks – This week the children have been introduced to our new and improved Mastery Maths approach. The children have been using the rekenreks around the unit to represent numbers. During this area of the provision the children had to identify a numeral and then represent it using the rekenreks.
Year 1 – with Mr. Storey
Comparing quantities – The Year 1 children have been utilising the classroom manipulatives to represent numbers. The children have used stem sentences to explain the differences between amounts resulting a shared understanding of numbers.
Year 2 – with Mr. Clarke
Addition and Subtraction – Year 2 children have been learning about addition and subtraction through 10. They have explored using different manipulatives to represent ways to add and subtract through ten and have gained confidence in using mathematical language such as ‘addend’, ‘part’, ‘whole’ and ‘difference’ to explain what they have worked out.
Year 3 – with Mrs. Parvin
Year 4 – with Miss Hunter-Purvis
Year 5 – with Mrs. Green
Year 6 – with Miss Hepple
Archived Information
You can view our archived numeracy information on our website.