School Council

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To teach children about our Democratic process, all Learning Zones vote for two members of the class to represent their views on the School Council. Anyone who would like to stand for election gives a presentation and makes their election promises, detailing their manifesto. The rest of the class then vote and the two children with the most votes are elected to the School Council.

The School Council meet regularly with their adult to raise any issues or concerns on behalf of their Learning Zone and to explore how to improve the school by representing their voters.

2024 – 2025

Stanhope Barrington School Council member were elected by their peers from each learning zone. They meet several times each half-term to discuss school improvements and to raise any concerns that have arisen. This year’s school councillors are: Wesley, Jayden, Zach, Oliver, Ruby, Freddie, Annie and Reggie. They are committed to raising issues such as school recycling, dog fouling and safe parking in the immediate vicinity of school and improving lunch times for children.

2023 – 2024

Each learning zone democratically elect a representative to be a part of our school council. The school council meet every month to give feedback on any improvements they or their peers would like to see made in school. The school council are also responsible for promoting safety in and around school by organising events around Road Safety, Online Safety and other issues as they arise.

This year our School Council members are: Chester, Henry, Jessica and Darcy.

2022 – 2023

Richard Holden MP visit

Two of our school council members had the opportunity to meet and ask questions to Richard Holden MP. They got to listen to him discuss the role of a politician and how they intend to get things done to benefit their constituents.

Archived Information

View our archived School Council information.

View our archived Junior Road Safety Officers information.

View our archived Eco Assistants information.

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